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Baby Massage

I am a "Hands on Babies" accredited baby massage instructor. Hands on babies massage is accredited by the Royal College of midwives.

Baby massage is a centuries old therapy that provides both mother and baby with significant and undisputed benefits that are widely acknowledged by medical practitioners across the world.

Key benefits of baby massage are:-

  • Helps with bonding between parents and child
  • Improves relaxation, encouraging longer sleep periods for babies
  • Helps to relieve the effects of colic, teething, constipation and wind
  • Helps to stimulate all of a baby’s major systems: co-ordination, respiration, digestion, learning ability and language development
  • Relaxes both parent and child

“What is the difference between baby reflex and baby massage?”

Baby reflex is portable, there is no need to remove clothing and can be done anywhere.

  • FGT
  • Baby Reflexology
  • Hands on Babies
Contact Us Today

07776 322 871